Wednesday 22 May 2024

It's CIUT's Spring Funding Drive. Make CIUT Great Again!


Yes it's CIUT's Spring Membership Funding Drive again. You know; that time of year when we go to you our faithful listeners to ask for your support for another year. I know it's been a hard few years but CIUT was on the air the whole time with your quarentine radio needs and we even won the runner-up spot in Now Magazine's 2021 Best Radio Station poll. So thanks! But still need to pay our bills. Remember all the money we raise all goes right back into the station, and there's always something that needs fixing or replacing. So it's back to work.

CIUT 89.5fm is Toronto's listener supported community radio station. We have a unique blend of music, news, talk and arts programming not to be found any where else on the dial. All brought by volunteers with very few paid ads for more rock less talk.


My show;"Moondog's Ballroom" Tuesdays at 5pm brings the Punk, Rockabilly,Surf, Garage, Psyche, Blues, Honky Tonk, Swing, Gospel, Ska and various combinations thereof from the 1940's, 50's, 60's to today. Including some stuff rarely if ever played on the radio. I've also done live sessions with The Vibrators, Robyn Hitchcock, BB Guns, Split Lip Rayfield, CATL, Speaking Tongues, Fruitbats, Bela Clava, Three Blue Teardrops, Blue Demons, Maximum RnR, B-17, Christian & the Hangovers, Luau Or Die and more for unique recordings, with more planned for the future.

That's where you, our faithful listeners come in.

Just cuz CIUT has very few paid ads doesn't mean we have no costs. We have to pay for the equipment, a small paid staff and our transmitter, and we are hoping to buy a new one to improve our signal. But we need you to become members of CIUT and show your support.

Here's the drill;
1. Listen in to "Moondog's Ballroom" Tuesday May 28 from 5-5pm
2. Phone in to 416-946-7800 or more likely go online to our secure server at
3. Make a pledge of $89.50 or more to my show and become a member of CIUT
4. Become one of the Cool Kids!

It's Just That Easy!


And as an added incentive all those who become members at $89.50 level make a pledge and become a member are added to our grand prize draw which this year includes;

One of two EverEasy Electric Cargo Bike - Retail Value$2,500

For a pledge of $89.50 You, Yes You can Be DJ For A Day & Host Your Show On CIUT! For one hour you choose the music, we bring the 15,000 honking watts of power. You have a band and want to come down? Cool! Make a pledge, become a member and let's do this!

We also have exclusive CIUT merch including shirts, tote bags, hats and for a limited time only, CIUT Covid masks.

If you can't tune in for Tuesday May 28 no worries, you can always go to our website at and sign up online, or contact me.

So this Tuesday May 28 at 5pm; Tune in, Listen in, Phone in and Join up.

Besides our onair broadcast you can still hear us @;
online at
iTunes Radio
TuneIn Radio Phone App
Rogers Digital Cable - Channel 946
Bell Fibe - Channel 970
Star Choice Satellite Channel - Channel 826




Thanks Again as always!